Spirituality in the 21st Century: Hope in Action with Prairiewoods

Event description: 

April 26-27, 2024

Online and in-person

April 26 at 7–9 pm
April 27 at 9 am - 3:30pm 

Grant Wood AEA
Cedar Rapids, IA, USA

“Somewhere between the eighty-five-year-old Tibetan Buddhist leader [the Dalai Lama] and the eighteen-year-old activist [Greta Thunberg], between the sage legacy and the whole life ahead, is where the rest of us must come in. And we must,” writes Susan Bauer-Wu in A Future We Can Love. The Pew Research Center has found that most of us are sad or anxious about the climate crisis. According to Paul Hawken, one of the most hopeful antidotes to this is to pay attention to the growing movement of self-organized congregations and groups dedicated to change (Wu, p. 86). Hope comes from seeing ourselves as part of this larger whole. Join amazing facilitators Susan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN, FAAN (virtual); Rev. Veronica M. Johnson; Leah Rampy, PhD; and musician Sara Thomsen April 26–27, either in person at Grant Wood AEA (4401 6th St SW) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, or via Zoom. Together we will be inspired by and learn from leaders who are committed to creating a hopeful and regenerative future. We encourage you to come with your friends, your congregation or whatever group of committed humans to which you belong. Get inspired, get informed and get into action! This is Prairiewoods’ signature annual event that has brought you speakers like Marcus Borg, Walter Brueggemann, Ilia Delio and Peter Block since its inception in 2001. Don’t miss this chance to learn from these engaging, committed speakers from around the country! Costs begin at $75 ($25 for students).

Register here.